I’m back, here’s an update on the family

I’ve been away for a while. It was on purpose. I was tired of everything being the same. I was waiting for a change in my life. It came.

For several weeks I’ve planned this post. I have mulled over a million things I could write about, and I have come to the realization that I have too much to say for just one post. I can’t possibly cover every thought I have had over the last two years. Or all the ways we have changed. So actually some of the most interesting things I want to say, I’ve just decided to wait and save until later.

My heart is full. We have been blessed.

The biggest changes in 2014 were that my husband graduated with his PhD in political science and I resigned from my job.

I’m thrilled to be home now every day with my children. After working full-time for 15 years, I resigned from a great job to stay home with my children. (I think there was a little disbelief that I was quitting to stay home with my children) This was a priority for our family. I wanted to be theone to spend the days with my children, to teach them, to guide them, the help them learn and grow, to kiss their boo boos, to watch all they accomplish, to see them play, and so much more. I wanted to go hiking with them and take nature walks. I wanted to spend days playing and visiting with friends.

I thought when I stayed home I would have more time to blog. More time to study Latin and French. More time to sew. More time to exercise. More time to garden. More time. It hasn’t exactly worked out that way. I’ve been home for two months. I’ve tried to get on a schedule. And I’m getting there slowly.

Instead of more time I’ve learned that I spend my days reminding children not to run and scream through the house. To look at me when I am speaking to them. To listen and obey. To stay on task with their school work. I spend hours each day in the kitchen (or at least it seems that way) I also spend hours each day teaching them – which is actually something we do all love to do. And way too much time driving around on errands or to different activities. I’m learning that some days I have much more patience than others. And it’s something I need to work on.

And while all this is exciting. There is something more exciting happening. Thomas and I have grown and changed a lot over the last couple years. Some of it has been hard. But I think the changes will allow us to be more fruitful, more loving, and more ready to serve others. Our family is at the beginning of a new chapter. Things are moving and shaking and I’m fully expecting a lot more changes in our life.  We certainly have a mission ahead of us. Stay tuned!

croom family fall 2014

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